When choosing the candidates for MyStyle-Austin's Fashion 5, I wanted to include a woman who was smart, confident, someone who is "making a difference." Joanna Linden is all of these things. Not only a woman of great style and beauty but a woman who holds her own in the business world, as well as philanthropically minded she leads the way in fulfilling the hopes and dreams of sick children across the state of Texas, through her work at the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Here is Joanna Linden!(To the left: Joanna Linden; when looking for a great gift Joanna heads to Anthropologie; Joanna heads to Austin hot spot La Condessa, when ready to relax with friends over dinner and drinks; Linden's favorite slurge spot, Louis Vuitton)
Joanna Linden discovered her passion and strength for raising money as a teenager organizing community fundraisers for church. From those early experiences, Joanna developed her skills and devoted herself to a career in non-profit management. Joanna has worked in development for organizations such as Easter Seals and the Austin Lyric Opera. Now, in her current role, she is the President & CEO of the Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Central & South Texas, where she manages $3.1M operating budget; a 40-county territory; a staff of 11; and 350+ volunteers granting the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. Collectively, Joanna has raised millions of dollars for local, state and national organizations, while serving her community as a dedicated volunteer.
Joanna actively serves on the Board of Directors for Leadership Austin, on the Board of Directors for the Association of Fundraising Professionals, is a mentor for the Association of Fundraising Professionals Mentoring Program, is the Consulting Campaign Manager for the Elisabet Ney Museum Restoration Campaign, served on the Long Center for Performing Arts 1st Anniversary Bash Steering Committee in March 2009, and currently is chairing the annual Association of Fundraising Professionals Philanthropy Day Awards Luncheon in January, 2010.
Joanna enjoys spending time with her family and supporting community social events. She is married to Peter Linden, and has two teenage daughters; Abigail and Makenzie. The Linden’s are residents of Westlake and have lived in Austin, Texas for over 15 years.
MyStyle-Austin: How would you describe your personal style?
Joanna Linden: My personal style is spontaneous fashion. I base what I am going to wear on my mood. So if everybody says what are you going to wear to this event, what are you going to wear to that, my answer is I won’t know until I get home, walk into my closet and pick it out. So it is very spontaneous and very based on mood. It is never the same and I like to be unpredictable.
MSA: So getting ready for an event, you are not planning two weeks ahead?
JL: No, but if I have a big event coming up, I will keep my eye out way in advance. For instance, I have this big event coming up in May called Cinderella’s Ball, and I want something powder pink and ball-ish.
MSA: Do you ever get stressed out when getting ready for an event not knowing what you are going to wear until the last minute?
JL: Yes! The stress is over not blending in. I never want to blend in. I always want to be memorable. So, it’s like how do you find something that is going to be memorable in only ten minutes.
MSA: What would you say sets your style apart from everyone else?
JL: I like to take risks. I just want to be someone who at the end of the night someone is going to remember after the event. Whether it’s the fashion piece, something I did with my hair or make-up, or the spray tan that I got (giggle).
MSA: What sort of fashion risks do you like to take?
JL: Well sometimes it has to do with how it fits my body like an open back or a plunging neckline. I recently went to an event, the Ballet Fete, where I was wearing a very dramatic neckline. At Runway to Heaven I wore I black fitted pencil skirt dress that was a little plane and might have stood out on it’s own but I put a fur on last minute and I was really reluctant to do it, but I just put it on and went with it.
MSA: I remember! That fur had to have been J. Mendel or Fendi. Which was it?
JL: It was Fendi. It was a gift from my Aunt. It was a Christmas present that sat in my closet for two year and I was thinking where am I ever going to wear this. So I wore it for the first time ever at that event.
MSA: From who or where do you draw your style inspiration?
JL: I would say it is definitely from classic looks. Not so much a figure or person. I think it is so common for people to say I have a favorite celebrity that I try to look like. Another thing that inspires me is the body and how it fits in clothes. Most look at the clothes and wonder how it will fit on the body. I work out and stay fit and take care of my body so I can wear the clothes.
MSA: So do you have a style icon?
JL: I would say Princess Diana. She was such a charitable person and I am in charity work and the way she carried herself I really admire.
MSA: What is the one item of clothing that every woman needs?
JL: I would say that it absolutely has to be a very nice diamond. Whether it is a
ring, necklace or studs, diamonds I love. I am all about the diamonds.
MSA: What sort of statement do you think diamonds make?
JL: I like diamonds that are subtle and not over stated. So a nice ring or pair of earrings can go with any outfit.
MSA: What do you think about style in Austin?
JL: It is a little embarrassing. I feel like Austin has a bit of an identity crisis. We don’t know who we are. Some are trying to be New York, some LA. I don’t think Austin has figured out who it is fashion wise. I don’t see a lot of manners and being in the business world I sometimes see men give presentations in Hawaiian print shirts and I’m like, can you please put on a tie! The respect factor isn’t here. I don’t see people dressing out of courtesy and that bothers me.
MSA: So if you could change one thing about Austin style, what would it be?
JL: Class. Add some class.
MSA: I agree. There are some situations where you should dress up to show respect. How does the way you present yourself affect your business?
JL: It has a large effect on what I do. Fundraising, everyone looks immediately at what you are wearing, your hair, your nails, so I make sure I always have a great outfit on and do the best that I can. I think that confidence goes a long way in what I do. It sets you apart.
MSA: What trends do you love right now?
JL: I love turquoise jewelry. It makes blonde hair and blue eyes pop. I also love the leather motorcycle jackets. But I don’t have either.
MSA: What trends do you absolutely hate?
JL: Any type of grunge. Like when I am traveling. I hate seeing people dressed like they rolled out of bed a headed strait for the airport. I like to dress up when I travel.
MSA: What is your favorite personal style moment?
JL: There have been so many because I used to work at the opera and there was party after party, after party. I have this apple green dress that was open back with a deep neckline and very form fitting. I wore it twice actually, once to the Opera Ball and then once to the MexicArt Gala. The color and the fit made the dress.
MSA: What has been your least favorite style moment?
JL: Every other day! I have to say it is when I was in my twenties. I’ve looked a pictures of myself and I was dressing like the CEO I am today. I should have been more cutting edge and daring. I am more cutting edge now than I was then. I grew up too fast in my fashion.
MSA: What is your dream red carpet look?
JL: It would absolutely be a Valentino. I think they are so feminine and fit the body so well. Every time I see Valentino on the red carpet I am like, I want that dress! Super high Louboutin’s, I love them. I actually would love hair extensions just for something different and on the red carpet, I think you can get away with it. Of course diamonds. Something subtle but big!
MSA: If you could play in anyone’s closet, who’s would it be?
JL: Not because of whom she is but because what she has, it would be Mariah Carey. The shoes are endless, I have see pictures of her in her closet. Also, the diamonds. I heard that she has a diamond collection upwards of five million dollars.
MSA: What bag are you currently carrying?
JL: Currently, Michael Kors. Black patent leather clutch. I like small purses. I don’t like big purses. I actually get made fun of for having small purses, but all I need is my Blackberry, lip-gloss, keys, and cards.
MSA: What is the one piece of style advice that you would like to share?
JL: To be manicured. You can have on the best outfit but if you don’t cover the details people will notice.
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